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Town of Princeton, Mass. – October 25, 2016 – 4:00 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Regular Meeting Minutes  

Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan and Jon Fudeman present. TA Nina Nazarian also present.

4:02 PM   Stan opened meeting at Princeton Center in the Kitchen. Nina mentioned that Tom Cohan from Charter Communications had contacted her and had asked if it would be appropriate for him to attend a Cable Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting. Nina reported to the Board that she mentioned to Mr. Cohan that the meetings are public and therefore anyone could attend, but that the charge of the CAC did not include negotiations. The Board expressed interest to have Charter come in and meet with the Board of Selectmen directly.
The Board reviewed the information provided by Nina, see BOS Referenced Documents. There was lengthy discussion about town buildings, both short term issues (repairs) and long term matters (planning). The Board discussed implementing the recommendation of a Building/Facilities Committee as suggested by Steve Mirick and Chris Conway during a recent meeting. Nina indicated that she supported this idea for the purpose of assisting with the short term building issues.
The Board discussed staffing, and any anticipated retirements. The Board discussed financial matters of the Town. Jon agreed to put together a document outlining town liabilities.
The Board discussed the list of ongoing work items, acknowledging the amount of work.
Nina suggested an IT Committee to assist with an IT Strategic Plan, including review of security.
Stan listed the below items which he identified to be the main points of the discussion, adding the obvious issue of Cable TV. Jon and Edie seemed to concur with the listing.
  • Town Financial Assessment (status, capabilities, liabilities)
  • Facilities:
  • Committee for Maintenance
  • Long term planning
  • Assistance for the Town Administrator (i.e. intern)
  • Cable TV
  • IT Committee
6:07 PM  voted to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

BOS Referenced Documents:  FY16 Goals, BoS Mission Statement, Town of Leicester Vision and Goals document, Town of Sturbridge Goal Planning Document; Memo from Bob Reed Interim TA, Ongoing work items, & email of goals by Edie.